Truck Accident Lawyers and Attorneys in Palm Springs, California

According to the New York Times, more people die in truck accidents in a single year than all the people who have died in domestic airline crashes over the past 45 years. Truck accidents are more common than airline crashes and other accidents reported in the media. Yet, they seldom reach national news. However, the impact of these accidents is devastating. Victims may suffer wrongful deaths or may be seriously injured. Families may face high medical expenses, have trouble making ends meet due to lost wages, and victims may experience immense pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a truck accident, you may have many questions. You may be speaking to insurance adjusters. You may wonder whether you are entitled to receive compensation to cover your doctor’s bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering damages. If the truck company or driver was negligent or responsible for your accident, you may wonder whether you should sue.

The Ledger Law Firm are Palm Springs, California truck accident lawyers who work with victims and families whose lives have been impacted by these crashes. The truck industry is a big business. In 2014 alone, the trucking industry brought in over $700 billion in revenue. Individuals who have been hurt in a truck accident may struggle to navigate the legal system and fight these companies. Truck companies may also have teams of lawyers working on their side to protect their interests. If you’ve been hurt, you need the assistance of a qualified truck accident attorney in Palm Springs, California, like the attorneys at the Ledger Law Firm.

Why Truck Accident Law Differs from Passenger Vehicle Accidents

If you’ve been in a truck accident, you need an attorney who understands truck laws and regulations. Unlike passenger vehicles, truck drivers and companies are required to abide by federal and local laws regarding their operation. When truck companies and drivers violate these laws, individuals on the road can be seriously injured. Here are some ways that truck accident law differs from regular passenger vehicle law:

Hours of Service: For instance, truck drivers are required to abide by federal hours of service laws that limit how long they can be behind the wheel. Sometimes drivers are pressured by their companies to complete deliveries in a faster time period and there are cases where drivers either falsify logs or drive longer than they should. If you’ve been in a truck accident, it can be hard to know that a driver has broken these laws. This is why you need a truck accident attorney in Palm Springs, California like the Ledger Law Firm. Our lawyers can review a truck driver’s logs and compare these with delivery times and schedules. We can investigate your case to look for discrepancies and hold drivers and companies accountable when they break the law.

Maintenance Requirements: Truck companies are also required to properly maintain their vehicles and equipment. When truck companies and owners fail to check or repair brakes, tires, and perform regular maintenance, everyone on the road is put at risk. A truck that cannot stop in a timely manner can jackknife or collide with other vehicles.

Hiring Practices: Truck companies could also be held financially responsible for an accident if they don’t properly vet or hire drivers. For instance, drivers are required to pass medical tests and requirements. They should be drug free and not have conditions that would require them to take medication that could make them less alert or compromise them behind the wheel. If you’ve been in an accident, it is important that you not accept blame for the crash. You don’t know the history of the driver or whether the driver’s license is up to date. A qualified truck accident lawyer like the Ledger Law Firm in Palm Springs, California can investigate your accident to see if a truck driver or company was in violation of the law.

Multiple Stakeholders: Finally, truck accident lawsuits can have many stakeholders. For instance, in most passenger vehicle crashes, there are only two potential people who are responsible—the drivers involved. However, in a truck accident, there may be many parties involved. Truck drivers, shippers, truck owners, companies, and maintenance personnel may all have a role to play in the accident. Because so many parties can be responsible, it is important to have an attorney on your side who can properly investigate and evaluate all the factors contributing to your accident. The Ledger Law Firm is a truck accident lawyer in Palm Springs, California who can fight to help you and your family get the justice you may deserve.

Protecting Individuals and Families from the Trucking Industry

The trucking industry makes billions every year. When a truck is involved in an accident, truck companies have insurance, teams of lawyers, and professionals on their side to protect their interests. If you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you may be facing high medical expenses, lost wages from missed time at work, and pain and suffering. While you may be entitled to receive money to cover these expenses under the law, it is important to protect your rights. Insurance adjusters may offer you a lower initial settlement than you may deserve. If you don’t know what your claim is worth, you may be at risk of settling too early or for too little. If you don’t know all the stakeholders involved in your accident, you could miss out on an important recovery that can cover medical expenses and lost wages. The Ledger Law Firm is a truck accident lawyer in Palm Springs, California who fights for the rights of those whose lives have been changed forever by the negligent actions of a truck driver or truck company. You may only have a limited amount of time to seek a recovery under the law. Contact the Ledger Law Firm today at 800-221-7147. We can protect your rights, help you seek justice, and assist you as you move forward after an accident.